Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Where to Find the Fastest Growing Careers

Where to Find the Fastest Growing Careers Many of my clients are working through a career transition. They are moving from one career path to another. Once they are in the decision-making process of determining what career is the best fit, they oftentimes ask the questions: What are some of the fastest growing careers? What occupations seem like they are in higher demand? Geography versus job role One determining factor in your career decision-making process, may be which career path is in high demand currently and/or will continue to grow in years to come. Another consideration is whether the career is in high demand in the area where you want to live. For some, residing in a particular location is more important than the career path. For others, they would be willing to move to an area of the country where their particular career is in demand. This information begs the question: How can I find the fastest growing careers? Dont just google it Naturally, you could use a search engine to find “fastest growing careers.” This search may or may not provide you with the information you seek. Instead, I would suggest starting your search by reviewing a career repository site like O*Net Online (http://www.onetonline.org/). O*Net Online has a tremendous amount of data on careers. In particular, the career paths designated “Bright Outlook Occupations”. These occupations with the Bright Outlook Occupation designation are either projected to grow faster than average, projected to have 100,000+ job openings in the next ten years, or are new occupations in a high growth industry. You may find it helpful to see if the new career path they are considering fits into a Bright Outlook Occupation. Otherwise, consider using information from this helpful resource in your decision-making process.

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